AHF donates SARS-CoV-2 viral sequencing machine to the Caribbean
This week, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization, signed an agreement with The University of the West Indies (UWI), St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago
Catalyzing the Urgent Viral Genomic Sequencing To The Caribbean
This week, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization, signed an agreement with The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago
Without Borders: the Need for Viral Genomic Sequencing
The world is falling dangerously behind in tracking the emergence of new COVID-19 variants by failing to scale up genomic sequencing of new cases quickly enough to keep track of the mutating virus.
Catalyzing the Urgent Need of Viral Sequencing in the Caribbean
The Los Angeles based AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), the largest global AIDS organization, signed an agreement with the University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago to provide a gene sequencing analyzer and reagents to expand the capacity of the university to test for new and emerging variants of the coronavirus.
Urgent Variant Vigilance: Closing the Gap in America’s Sequencing Odyssey
Hopes for a steady decline and an eventual end to the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States are being dashed by a sudden upsurge in new infections and woefully inadequate epidemiological surveillance.
Conciencia Global: Lucha contra la COVID-19 en América Latina
AHF realizó el performance «La muerte está de luto» en la Ciudad de México para instar a los líderes del G20 a garantizar el acceso mundial a la vacuna de COVID-19 presionando a los fabricantes de vacunas a que compartan conocimiento y tecnología para impulsar la producción mundial.
Con performance, ‘danzatrinas’ buscan concientizar a líderes del G20
Tres catrinas floridas danzando y cayendo una a una por problemas de respiración, un performance titulado “la muerte está de luto”, por los 4 millones 969 mil 41 muertos registrados
G20 Bajo Presión: Activistas Buscan Liberar Patentes Vacunas COVID-19
Un grupo de activistas de AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) realizó una performance llamado La muerte está de luto en las calles de la Ciudad de México para instar a Mexico y al resto de los líderes del G20 para garantizar el acceso mundial a la vacuna de covid-19.