The AHF Global Public Health Institute

At the Institute, we leverage applied research and analysis to enhance international health law, policy, and governance outcomes through advocacy. Our efforts are aimed at addressing gaps in the global health security architecture, with the goal of helping the world prevent, prepare for, and respond to future pandemics. We seek to ensure that global, regional, and national public health policies are evidence-based.
In response to COVID-19, the Institute commissioned a study that led to the publication of “A Global Public Health Convention for the 21st Century” in the prestigious Lancet Public Health. This study served as the impetus for the launch of collaborative efforts that included the Panel for a Global Public Health Convention, an independent coalition of global leaders committed to strengthening the world’s ability to prevent pandemics, the University of Miami Public Health Policy Lab, and the Global Pandemic Policy Group.
During the most critical phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, AHF acted through the Institute by initiating the SARS-CoV-2 Genomic Sequencing Fund. AHF extended this grant opportunity to faculty at institutions of higher learning, including research and academic institutions, to enhance research efforts and offer a distinct avenue for generating high-quality evidence concerning the rapidly proliferating variants worldwide. From 2021 to 2023, the Sequencing Fund has sponsored 20 projects in 14 countries, playing a pivotal role in bolstering genomic sequencing capabilities across the globe, particularly in low-and middle-income countries.earch by generating objective evidence to inform improvements in public health policy at the global, regional, national, and local levels – not just for HIV/AIDS but other infectious diseases.


To engage in global public health policy analysis and research by generating objective evidence to inform improvements in public health policy at the global, regional, national, and local levels – not just for HIV/AIDS but other infectious diseases.

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation and its Work on Global Health

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation is a global nonprofit organization that provides cutting-edge medicine and advocacy worldwide to over 1.9 million people in 46 countries. We are currently the world’s largest provider of HIV/AIDS medical care globally, working to ensure the prevention, testing, and treatment of HIV and AIDS for all people, regardless of ability to pay. Since 1987, AHF has cared for millions of people living with HIV and AIDS, implementing new programs in communities and expanding the delivery of healthcare and influence over policy to more lives.
AHF founded the AHF Global Public Health Institute in 2018 with a mission to generate evidence to inform improvements in public health policy at the global, regional, national, and local levels – not just for HIV but other infectious diseases.


AHF Global Public Health Institute

The AHF Global Public Health Institute conducts applied research and advocacy to improve public health policy and outcomes at the national, regional, and global levels. Through its flagship operation at the University of Miami and affiliates, the institute focuses on generating evidence and engaging with relevant stakeholders to promote positive change in law, governance, and policy.

Jorge Saavedra, MD, MSc, MPH

Executive Director

Juan Manuel Alvarez Iraizos

Executive Assistant
[email protected]

Guilherme Ferrari Faviero, Esq., MS, MPH

[email protected]

AHF Global Public Health Institute for Latin America and the Caribbean

The regional office focuses on addressing public health challenges specific to Latin America and the Caribbean, promoting regional cooperation, and implementing health policies tailored to local needs.

Fernando Ariel García Terrón, MD, MSc

[email protected]

University of Miami Public Health Policy Lab

The lab is dedicated to advancing global health equity through research, policy development, and advocacy. It works closely with the AHF Global Public Health Institute to influence global health policies and improve health outcomes.

Dr. José Szapocznik


Anicca Liu, MPH

Associate Director
[email protected]


The research carried out at the institute seeks to support scientific evidence on global public health to inform public policy not only centered on HIV but on the XXI century global challenges that impact the different regions of the world in different ways, such as:

Modeling estimates of costs necessary for full control of the HIV epidemic, other pandemics, and public health emergencies of international concern.

Policy analysis of global, regional, and national responses to HIV, COVID-19, Zika, and other infectious diseases with pandemic potential.

Analysis of alternatives to respond to regional and/or global health security concerns.

Local projects to increase HIV testing, linkage to care, retention, viral load suppression, and overall access to treatment.

Create an infrastructure supportive of an Institute for Global Public Health Policy and Operational Research.

Disseminate information and create spaces for debate on global, regional, or national policies in response to communicable diseases with epidemic potential.

Support and promote the publication of research conducted or supported by the AHF Global Public Health Institute.

Collaborate and support academic and scientific institutions at the global, regional, or national level to strengthen epidemiological surveillance as an important tool in the monitoring and control of pandemics.