The University of Miami Public Health Policy Lab

About Us

The University of Miami Public Health Policy Lab is dedicated to advancing an equitable world that is accountable for the health of all people. We seek to promote improved global health through four pillars: research, advocacy, education and partnerships for evidence-based solutions. The Policy Lab was established in 2022 and is led by Professor and Chair Emeritus José Szapocznik, Ph.D.


The Policy Lab prioritizes stakeholder-informed research, with current projects examining the pandemic response in Florida and the impact of COVID-19 policies across states.

The Qualitative Assessment of the Florida COVID-19 Response

The Qualitative Assessment of the Florida COVID-19 Response was launched to develop recommendations to prevent, prepare for, and respond to future epidemics before they become pandemics that impact Floridians. This study uses semi-structured interviews to gather input from stakeholders in government, academia, and the private sector on what they believe was done well during COVID-19 and what could be done differently in Florida in the event of a future pandemic.

The Pandemic Policy and Excess Mortality Study

The Pandemic Policy and Excess Mortality Study was launched to assess the impact of COVID-19 policies on excess deaths across U.S. states. This study examines the effects of containment and closure policies and economic support policies that were implemented by governments during the COVID-19 pandemic. These findings will be valuable in informing policy decisions in the event of a future pandemic.


We advocate for the reform of policy and practice at the global, regional, national and state levels. In the U.S., the Policy Lab aims to build bipartisan support for reform of the current pandemic preparedness and response architecture rooted in equity, transparency, accountability, global capacity-building, financial sustainability and shared governance. We also advocate for regional and global architecture reform.

United States

Our U.S. focused advocacy was launched in 2021 with the purpose of rallying support of key decision-makers for an international agreement and other mechanisms (e.g., financing) to ensure adequate pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response capacities. We are committed to informing the decision-making processes related to the International Health Regulations (IHR), Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB), and Pandemic Fund. Our applied work includes communicating with multi-sectoral stakeholders about evidence-based solutions for global public health.


Prior to the establishment of the lab, the team in collaboration with AHF has been working on issues surrounding global health security in the face of infectious disease threats as the Secretariat of the Panel for a Global Public Health Convention [link to website], and in our original stakeholder-informed research on recommendations for improving pandemic preparedness and response [link to A Global Public Health Convention for 21st Century]. We advocate for accountability and equity in global reforms, including the, WHO Pandemic Agreement [link to], the World Bank Pandemic Fund and the Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response.


In tandem with advocacy, our work is focused on building dialogue and educating stakeholders about the importance of our advocacy agenda through public and private events and meetings. Partnerships are critical for maintaining an expansive network of information and communication channels that inform our work. Refer to the News [hyperlink to news section] for information on upcoming and past events.