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AHF Institute Taskforce G20

G20 Engagement

The AHF Global Public Health Institute is actively engaged in the G20 process through its participation in the parallel forums of the Think 20 (T20) and Civil Society 20 (C20). The G20 is an international forum that brings together the world’s major economies, comprising 19 countries and the European Union, to address critical global economic challenges and promote international financial stability.

This forum plays a pivotal role in shaping economic policies and addressing global issues, including those related to public health, sustainability, and development.

Parallel processes like the T20 and C20 provide essential platforms for integrating the perspectives of think tanks, civil society, and advocacy groups into the G20 discussions, ensuring a holistic approach to global policymaking.

T20 Participation

Represented by Guilherme F. Faviero, Esq., Director of the AHF Global Public Health Institute at the University of Miami, our Institute was a member of the taskforce on Fighting Inequalities, Poverty, and Hunger where our work focused on issues related to promoting universal health coverage, digital health, and open innovations to fight inequalities. 

Together with other T20 Brazil members, our participation advanced dialogues between academic institutions, research entities, and G20 leadership.

Together with researchers from Italy and Brazil, our subgroup put forward proposals to address health inequalities and to ensure universal health coverage while leveraging digital health and open innovation to bridge gaps in healthcare accessibility and quality.

The T20 communique, presented to the Sous-Sherpa of the G20 Brazil and other leaders, outlined ten recommendations developed from analyzing over 300 policy briefs, addressing unequal access to healthcare, promoting technology transfer, and enhancing global cooperation in vaccination and strategic health supplies.

C20 Involvement

The AHF Institute was also represented at the C20 as a member of the Integrated Health for All Task Force, where we worked with fellow civil-society stakeholders to advocate for the adoption of concrete and enforceable measures to ensure global equitable and timely access to health technologies. This includes enforceable access conditionalities for funding to assure global health equity, refraining from exerting pressure against countries utilizing TRIPS flexibilities, supporting time-bound IP waivers during pandemics, and creating an equitable Pathogen Access and Benefits Sharing System (PABS).

We also emphasized the importance of meaningful civil society participation in global health decision-making and adopting measures to fight ongoing pandemics and epidemics while strengthening the ability of LMICs to contain outbreaks at the source.

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