The AHF Global Public Health Institute
The AIDS Healthcare Foundation and its Work on Global Health
AHF Global Public Health Institute
Jorge Saavedra, MD, MSc, MPH
Executive Director
AHF Global Public Health Institute for Latin America and the Caribbean
University of Miami Public Health Policy Lab
Modeling estimates of costs necessary for full control of the HIV epidemic, other pandemics, and public health emergencies of international concern.
Policy analysis of global, regional, and national responses to HIV, COVID-19, Zika, and other infectious diseases with pandemic potential.
Analysis of alternatives to respond to regional and/or global health security concerns.
Local projects to increase HIV testing, linkage to care, retention, viral load suppression, and overall access to treatment.
Create an infrastructure supportive of an Institute for Global Public Health Policy and Operational Research.
Disseminate information and create spaces for debate on global, regional, or national policies in response to communicable diseases with epidemic potential.
Support and promote the publication of research conducted or supported by the AHF Global Public Health Institute.
Collaborate and support academic and scientific institutions at the global, regional, or national level to strengthen epidemiological surveillance as an important tool in the monitoring and control of pandemics.